It's time for Snark Week! It's a special time where I (with all the love in my heart) share devastatingly snarky insights about why a design isn’t working. You get to see firsthand how a designer thinks, what works (or doesn't) to give your stuff the feel you're after, and why people would rather stab themselves in the eye with a fork than look at your opt-in for another minute.
Or, you know, why they bounce instead of sticking around to get to know you better.
It’s not you. You have the know-how, you have the juice. You have what they need.
It’s just that you’re putting all that awesomeness into a package that looks like it was wrapped by a clumsy first-grader. Which may inspire feelings of “aww, isn’t that sweet” if you’re that first-grader’s mom, but it doesn’t exactly scream “pay me, I’m an expert”.
I'm here to help you look like an expert that gets paid.
5 delicious days of snarky bite-sized insights delivered straight to your inbox, one glorious live reveal + Q&A.