First step: Download the workbook!

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Want to learn more about what makes a design that freaking works?

Whether you're working with a designer or going the DIY route, knowing what to look for is going to make your life a LOT easier. Check out these blog posts just for you!

Is it worth it to hire a pro to design your book cover?

Why "do what successful authors do" is bad advice, featuring an analysis of Stephen King's author brand

Top five typography mistakes that make your book look amateurish (and hurt your sales)

Book cover takedown: How templates can fail you

Book cover takedown: When details matter, and when they don't

Book cover takedown: Why cheap is worth every penny

Should you experiment with different cover designs? Elizabeth Gilbert's publishers think so

How the interior design of your book (the "formatting", if you must) helps your sales by giving your readers a better experience

Already writing, and looking for help with design & production?

Woohoo! Let's talk.

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