
Photo of a woman smiling at you. Hey, that's me!

Welcome to your next great book!

I'm Tracy, and I design books for awesome entrepreneurs like you: coaches, speakers, thought leaders, experts with a ton of value to offer, looking for a great way to reach more of your perfect-fit people, spread your ideas, and grow your business.

Your book can do all of that and more, if you're willing to give it the attention it needs. I specialize in designing books (book covers, interior layouts, ebooks and print) that help your perfect fit people find you and experience the very best you have to offer.

If you want your next book to be designed to succeed, start by downloading the free workbook I put together for you. Fill it out with the 6 questions you need to answer to make your book a success. And when you're ready for a top-quality book design that gets your work noticed, admired, and experienced the way it should be, click "work with me" and let's talk.